Steering in the Right Direction

VectorLink (VL) Côte d’Ivoire recently facilitated the creation of the country’s first Vector Control Steering Committee. Under the leadership of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and the strong support of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) mission team, Chief of Party Ndombour Gning-Cisse successfully demonstrated to country stakeholders the importance of involving all sectors in vector control and the value in creating such a committee. As a result, the new committee includes technical experts involved in vector control activities using insecticides, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Health, and members of the technical advisory committee. The objective of the Vector Control Steering Committee will be to monitor and guide decisions regarding IRS implementation, ideally in coordination with broader vector control decision-making.

VectorLink Côte d’Ivoire will conduct indoor residual spraying (IRS) in 2020, which will be the country’s first large-scale IRS campaign. To prepare, VectorLink Côte d’Ivoire and the steering committee will provide technical assistance to NMCP and develop annual district spray schedules, taking into consideration local environmental, operational, and political conditions in each selected district. Guidelines will be shared during the boot camp workshop training.

VectorLink CDI in collaboration with NMCP and the PMI Mission conducted an initial introductory visit to each IRS district to start sensitizing district authorities about insecticide resistance, specifically to explain the expectations of district- and community-level government agents’ engagement in mobilization efforts, identification of operations sites, insecticide management, selection and assigning supervisors, and more.  

Congratulations, VL CDI for leading the way!