In June, Lisa Simeon, Chief Human Resources Officer; Noel Samuel, Chief Financial Officer; Cathy Thompson, Regional Managing Director for East Central and Southern Africa; and Amy Thomas, International Human Resources Director, visited three of Abt Associates’ International Development projects operating in Uganda: Voucher Plus, ICAN, and VectorLink.
The Abt Associates’ Head Quarter team visited VectorLink Uganda in the last days of the indoor residual spray (IRS) campaign to see spray operations in action and to meet the VectorLink field team. During the visit, they learned about operating realities and challenges in the field. They also met with the USAID Mission and received great feedback about the important work Abt is doing in Uganda.
Amy Thomas stayed in Lira in Northern Uganda for two additional days and traveled to Kaberamaido District in Eastern Uganda to visit another district spray operations. She also had the opportunity to visit the district health office, the district warehouse, and both data centers, and spent a day with the VectorLink office in Kampala.
“Overall, I am so, so glad that I saw the project in action,” said Amy. “I have a real appreciation for the massive global orchestration that is VectorLink! The logistics, the community mobilization and the commitment to the eradication of malaria are just incredible. I hope that I can go out and see another spray campaign in action soon!!”