Strengthening Local Capacity in Entomological Surveillance

Scaling up local capacity for entomological surveillance is important for supporting national vector control activities. In Senegal, Insectaries were lacking, so this week’s Fist Bump goes to VectorLink Senegal for supporting the construction of an insectarium, by converting a 40-foot container, at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD).

In the past, UCAD carried out lab analyses and susceptibly tests, and was supplied with reared mosquitoes for bioassays from partner institutes (Insitut de Recherche pour le Développement—IRD and Institut Pasteur de Dakar—IPD). PMI/USAID through VectorLink aided in the construction of an insectarium, the renovation of the medical entomology laboratory at UCAD, and procured all equipment for both the insectarium and the lab. The inauguration and hand over of the Insectarium, lab, and offices took place on December 9, 2021. USAID Deputy Mission Director Kitty Andang, NMCP Coordinator, Dr. Doudou Sene, University leadership, and VectorLink Senegal leadership attended the inauguration ceremony.

The lab will be used for molecular (polymerase chain reaction—PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay—ELISA) and biochemical analyses on mosquitoes while the insectarium is used to rear susceptibility strains of mosquitoes (An. colluzii) for cone bioassays to test the residual efficacy of IRS, and wild mosquitoes for insecticide susceptibility tests.

The insectarium and laboratory will allow the university to have autonomy, to train more students in entomology, and to finish analyses on time. Results from lab analyses inform vector bionomics (vector density), behaviors (resting and biting), and situations of insecticide resistance; all factors that will help determine the NMCP’s national vector control strategies and decisions.

Excellent work VL Senegal!