This week’s Fist Bump goes to VectorLink Madagascar, who had a very cross-cutting IRS launch ceremony in Isorana commune, Isandra district in November 2022. This was the first year VL Madagascar sprayed in Isandra, and more than 2,000 people attended the event.
While the launch ceremony largely focused on malaria prevention, and featured speakers such as the Mayor of Isorana commune, PMI Madagascar’s resident advisor, and a representative from the Ministry of Public Health, the event was also an opportunity for community members to receive several different health services for free. Building off the success of last year’s launch ceremony, which enabled community members to receive COVID-19 vaccines, this year, services included family planning, dentistry, women’s health screenings, screening for diabetes, HIV/AIDs, and cataracts, taking people’s blood pressure, vaccination against COVID-19, and other medical consultations.
VL Madagascar worked with local authorities and partners at different levels; PMI/USAID partners, including ACCESS (supported COVID-19 vaccinations), IMPACT (HIV tests), FISA and MSI (family planning services), and Akbaraly Foundation (Cervical and Breast Cancer screenings) supported different health-related activities, and staff from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire tested people for HIV and screened for cataracts and diabetes.
In total,
- 164 people received a COVID-19 vaccine
- 99 people received oral care
- 331 people received medical consultations
- 107 women received cervical cancer screenings
- 109 women received breast cancer screenings
- 119 women received family planning services
- 16 people were screened for diabetes
- 38 people were tested for HIV
- 34 people were screened for cataracts
What a great way to promote the importance of malaria prevention while also receiving care for other health needs. Excellent work, VL Madagascar!