This week’s Fist Bump goes out to VectorLink Benin for their creativity and joie de vivre in increasing awareness and acceptance of IRS through the power of music and songs.
VL Benin was among the first VectorLink countries to start spraying under the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The safe implementation of the 2020 spray campaign in Benin was made possible through an effective and comprehensive risk mitigation plan, including the wider use of media (radio and TV) to reach a large audience in the intervention areas while minimizing the in-person/door-to-door mobilization activities. For its 2021 spray campaign, VL Benin has reinforced its mobilization strategies even further amid the COVID-19 pandemic. To continue reaching a wider audience and to increase awareness and acceptance rates of IRS within the communities where the project sprays, the team developed a song specifically dedicated to the risks associated with malaria and the effectiveness of IRS in preventing the disease. In Benin, songs and music have proven to be an efficient way to reach a large audience and raise awareness for certain causes.
Sing along with VL Benin as you watch the video here: Kudos VL Benin for your success in the campaign and for your creativity! The 2021 IRS campaign will run for 16 operational days from 26 April to 17 May 2021 and cover six districts in efforts to protect 859,059 people. Good luck, VL Benin!