
Twice the Protection

PMI VectorLink Ensures Successful IRS Campaign during Caterpillar Harvest When the rainy season arrives in the south-central Africa country of Zambia, families both rejoice and worry. The wet months bring an onslaught of mopane worms, locally known as caterpillars. These […]

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Opening Doors for Women in IRS

PMI VectorLink Increases Women’s Participation in IRS by Removing Barriers Malaria remains the leading cause of morbidity in Uganda, accounting for 4% of all estimated malaria cases in 2017, according to the World Malaria Report 2018[1]. To reduce the burden […]

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Women Lead the Way in Malawi

PMI VectorLink Boosts Women’s Roles in IRS, Promoting Gender Equity For Agbethia Malenga, there is no job a woman can’t do. With a certificate in automobile mechanics, this 29-year-old is not your stereotypical woman. But it’s women like Malenga who […]

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PMI VectorLink in Malawi

In the southeast African country of Malawi, malaria accounts for 40 percent of hospitalizations in children under five, 30 percent of all outpatient visits and is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality across all age groups. Transmission […]

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One-Stop Data Shop

PMI VectorLink Builds In-Country Capacity on DHIS 2 Platform   Standardized, reliable health information data is critical to mapping and responding to disease outbreaks, improving disease surveillance, monitoring patient health, and planning targeted health interventions, such as indoor residual spraying […]

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