
The PMI VectorLink Approach to Managing Insecticide Resistance

Managing Insecticide Resistance Starts with Entomological Monitoring & Surveillance Since the launch of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) in 2006, malaria control interventions across sub-Saharan Africa have scaled up dramatically, resulting in a significant decline in malaria burden. From […]

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PMI VectorLink Study Published in Malaria Journal

The PMI VectorLink manuscript “susceptibility testing of Anopheles malaria vectors with the neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin; results from 16 African countries, in preparation for indoor residual spraying with new insecticide formulations” was recently published in the peer-reviewed journal, Malaria Journal on August 1, […]

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Gender Success in Ghana

PMI VectorLink Promotes Safety and Inclusion of Women in the Workplace. Warihana Amadu, a native of Gushegu in the Northern Region of Ghana, is a site manager and among many women who have been able to secure leadership positions on […]

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Reducing Costs and Expanding Coverage

PMI VectorLink Rwanda Goes Beyond the Call to Action to Protect More People from Malaria. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is one of the most effective vector control interventions that kills malaria-carrying mosquitoes by spraying insecticide on walls, ceilings and other […]

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